Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
AphidTeaDiazinonBasudeb 10GRRaven Agro Chemicals Limited16.50 Kg/ha1428
AphidTeaDiazinonGentec 5 WDGGME Agro Limited500 gm/ha2935
AphidTeaMatrineBaico No.1Isthmus (Pvt) Limited1.00 Litre/ha921
AphidLongyeard beanChlorpyrifosMorter 48 ECNational AgriCare Import & Export Ltd1 ml/Litre of water620
AphidLongyeard beanDimethoateRoxin 40 ECAnika Enterprise1ml/litre of water635
AphidLongyeard beanDimethoateStarter 40 ECNational AgriCare Import & Export Ltd1ml/litre of water634
AphidLongyeard beanFenvalerateZadu 20 ECReximco Insecticides Limited1 ml/Litre of water587
AphidCabbageChlorpyrifosDoller 480 ECCrop Life Agro Chemicals Ltd1 ml/Litre of water1968
AphidCabbageChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Lucus 505 ECCrop Life Agro Chemicals Ltd1 ml/Litre of water1992
AphidVegetablesMalathionFyfanon 57 ECShetu Agro Industries Limited1.12 Litre/ha10
AphidVegetablesMalathionSyfanon 57 ECShetu Pesticides Limited1.12 Litre/ha181
AphidVegetablesDimethoatePerfeckthion 40 ECBASF Bangladesh Limited1.12 Litre/ha549
AphidVegetablesDimethoateRogor 40 LACI Formulations Limited1.12 Litre/ha141
AphidPulse & oilseedMalathionFyfanon 57 ECShetu Agro Industries Limited1.12 Litre/ha10
AphidPulse & oilseedMalathionSyfanon 57 ECShetu Pesticides Limited1.12 Litre/ha181
AphidPulse & oilseedDimethoatePerfeckthion 40 ECBASF Bangladesh Limited280 ml/ha549
AphidMarigoldThiamethoxamActara 25 WGSyngenta Bangladesh Limited0.25 gm/litre of water428
AphidFruitFenitrothionFolithion 50 ECHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited1.12 Litre/ha32
AphidOkraAbamectinBiomax-M 1.2 ECRussell IPM Bangladesh1 ml/Litre of water1