Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Fruit BorerTomatoCartapRajtap 50 SPBengal Agro Chemicals Industries2 gm/Litre of water1756
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateProclaim 5 SGSyngenta Bangladesh Limited1 gm/Litre of water868
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateArostar 5 SGAranya Crop Care Limited1.0 gm/litre of water1492
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateEmacor 5 SGCorbel International Limited1 gm/Litre of water1767
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoatePolar 5 SGNew Life Agro Chemicals1 gm/Litre of water2046
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateSaham 5 SGIntefa1 gm/Litre of water2047
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateDyna 5 SGS I Agro International1 gm/Litre of water2048
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateNil 5 SGBangladesh Agricultural Industries1 gm/Litre of water2250
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateFreeze 5 SGAtherton Imbros Company Limited1 gm/Litre of water2251
Fruit BorerTomatoEmamectin BenzoateRich Claim 5SGM H Crop Care1 gm/Litre of water2940
Fruit BorerTomatoFlubendiamideBelt 24 WGBayer CropScience Limited0.4 gm/Litre of water1486
Fruit BorerTomatoThiamethoxam (20%) + Chloraniliprole (20%)Voliam Flexi 300 SCSyngenta Bangladesh Limited0.50 ml/Litre of water1620
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateProclaim 5 SGSyngenta Bangladesh Limited1 gm/Litre of water868
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateGuilder 5SGAama Gree Care1 gm/Litre of water2192
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateBanlep 5 SGA M Traders1 gm/Litre of water2249
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateMahasakti 5SGTata Crop Care Co.1 gm/Litre of water2252
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateE-Ben 5SGSweet Agrovet Limited1 gm/Litre of water2920
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateJoy 5SGAdvanced Crop Care Limited1 gm/Litre of water2960
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateProtect 5SGACI Formulations Limited2 gm/Litre of water2246
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateBiclam 5SGAgro Business Support Limited1 gm/Litre of water2930