Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaSulphurAgrovet DFAtherton Imbros Company Limited2.25 kg/ha563
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaFenvalerateAmcofen 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited2.25 Litre/ha585
Powdery MildewCucurbitsSulphurAgrovet DFAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/l of water563
Early BlightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Amcomyl 72 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/Litre of water808
Powdery MildewCucumberSulphurAgrovet 80 WDGAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 mg/l of water3211
Powdery MildewCucumberDifenoconazole (15%) + Propiconazole (15%)Endavour 300 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 ml/Litre of water3249
Sheath BlightRiceCarbendazimVulcan 50 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited1 kg/ha730
Late BlightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Amcomyl 72 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/Litre of water808
Late blightPotatoMancozebGolden M 45Atherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/Litre of water464
Late blightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Amcomyl 72 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/Litre of water808
HopperMangoFenvalerateAmcofen 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water585
AnthracnoseChilliIprodioneSevral 50 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/l of water1706
Purple BlotchOnionIprodioneSevral 50 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/litre of water1706
Alternaria BlightMustardIprodioneSevral 50 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited1 gm/litre of water1706
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceDiazinonAmcozinon 10GAtherton Imbros Company Limited16.80 kg/ha461
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceImidaclopridPromise 200 SLAtherton Imbros Company Limited125 ml/ha2025
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceCarbosulfanAmcosul 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha431
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceChlorpyrifosRibbon 48 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited0.5 Litre/ha1716
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RicePhenthoateAmcosan 50 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha415
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceAbamectinAbamex 1.8 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha2997