Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceDiazinonAmcozinon 10GAtherton Imbros Company Limited16.80 kg/ha461
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceImidaclopridPromise 200 SLAtherton Imbros Company Limited125 ml/ha2025
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RicePhenthoateAmcosan 50 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha415
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceQuinalphosAmcolux 25 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.50 Litre/ha656
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceThiamethoxamMarvel XL 25 WGAtherton Imbros Company Limited0.06 Kg/ha2755
Bollworm (Spotted & American)CottonCarbosulfanAmcosul 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.50 Litre/ha431
HispaRiceCarbarylExpose 85 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.34 Kg/ha2205
HispaRiceCarbosulfanAmcosul 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.12 Litre/ha431
HispaRiceChlorpyrifosAmcofos 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha434
HispaRiceFipronilAroma 50 SCAtherton Imbros Company Limited0.5 Litre/ha2174
HispaRiceFipronilAroma 3GRAtherton Imbros Company Limited10.00 Kg/ha2409
HispaRiceIsoprocarb (MIPC)Wind 75 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.30 Kg/ha2979
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaDimethoateAmcothoate 40 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited2.25 Litre/ha2060
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaMalathionAmcomala 57 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited2.25 Litre/ha677
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Cordon Plus 505 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 ml/Litre of water1987
AphidBeanDimethoateAmcothoate 40 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1 ml/litre of water2060
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceCarbosulfanAmcosul 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.50 Litre/ha431
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceCartapRider 50 SPAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.40 Kg/ha456
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceChlorpyrifosAmcofos 20 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1.00 Litre/ha434
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceDiazinonAmcozinon 10GAtherton Imbros Company Limited16.80 Kg/ha461