Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Yellow mitesJuteSulphurPhytovit 80 DFAxil Life Sciences Limited1.75kg/ha510
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaSulphurPhytovit 80 WDGAxil Life Sciences Limited2.2 kg/ha2233
Powdery MildewCucurbitsSulphurPhytovit 80 DFAxil Life Sciences Limited2gm/l of water510
Late blightPotatoMancozebMosum M 80 WPAxil Life Sciences Limited2 gm/Litre of water626
SigatokaBananaHexaconazolePochamin 10 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1 ml/Litre of water1602
HopperMangoDeltamethrinDelmark 2.5 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1 ml/Litre of water519
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceDeltamethrinDelmark 2.5 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1ml/l of water519
HispaRiceChlorpyrifosSulban 20 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1.00 Litre/ha506
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaThiamethoxamEpsin 25 WGAxil Life Sciences Limited125 gm/ha2411
AphidPotatoChlorpyrifosSulban 20 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1 ml/Litre of water506
AphidBrinjalCartapAcar 50 SPAxil Life Sciences Limited1.20 gm/Litre of water866
TermiteSugarcaneChlorpyrifosSulban 20 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited 11.25 Litre/ha506
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalCypermethrinHi-Power 10 ECAxil Life Sciences Limited1 ml/Litre of water1099
Halde MuthaRiceButachlorSupershine 5GAxil Life Sciences Limited25.00 kg/ha931
Pani kachuRiceButachlorSupershine 5GAxil Life Sciences Limited25.00 kg/ha931
Pani longRiceButachlorSupershine 5GAxil Life Sciences Limited25.00 kg/ha931
ChechraRiceButachlorSupershine 5GAxil Life Sciences Limited25.00 kg/ha931
Bara javaniRiceButachlorSupershine 5GAxil Life Sciences Limited25.00 kg/ha931