Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
HispaRiceDimethoateDelathoate 40 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha152
HispaRiceImidaclopridBildor 20 SLCorbel International Limited125 ml/ha781
HispaRiceMalathionMalaton 57 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha153
HispaRice QuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited1.50 Litre/ha391
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaFenvalerateFencid 20 ECCorbel International Limited1.25 Litre/ha443
AphidBeanAcephateJung 75 SPCorbel International Limited1 gm/Litre of water743
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Solar 55 ECCorbel International Limited1 ml/Litre of water1768
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceCarbofuranIridon 3GCorbel International Limited16.80 Kg/ha215
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceCartapCartap 50 SPCorbel International Limited1.40 Kg /ha422
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceChlorpyrifosChlorocid 20 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha466
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceQuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited1.5 L/ha391
AphidMustardDiazinonDiazol 60 ECCorbel International Limited1 ml/litre of water953
TermiteTeaChlorpyrifosChlorocid 20 ECCorbel International Limited10.00 Litre/ha466
Hairy caterpillarJuteQuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited1.68 Litre/ha391
Leaf Roller (LR)RiceChlorpyrifosChlorocid 20 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha466
TermiteSugarcaneChlorpyrifosChlorocid 20 ECCorbel International Limited11.25 Litre/ha466
Green leaf hopper (GLH)RiceChlorpyrifosChlorocid 20 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha466
Green leaf hopper (GLH)RiceDimethoateDelathoate 40 ECCorbel International Limited1.00 Litre/ha152
Green leaf hopper (GLH)RiceQuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited1.50 Litre/ha391
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalQuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited840 ml/ha391