Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaSulphurPetsul 80 WPHome Pest Control2.25 kg/ha660
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaSulphurSunvet 80 DFHome Pest Control2.25 kg/ha1056
Red Spider mites & other mitesTeaFenvalerateWenfen 20 ECHome Pest Control1.25 Litre/ha741
Powdery MildewMangoMancozebPestcozeb 80 WPHome Pest Control2 gm/Litre of water861
AnthracnoseMangoMancozebPestcozeb 80 WPHome Pest Control2 gm/Litre of water861
Red rustTeaCarbendazimDhangora 50 WPHome Pest Control750 gm/ha993
SigatokaBananaHexaconazoleJanata 5 ECHome Pest Control1 ml/Litre of water2304
HopperMangoCypermethrinWenthrin 10 ECHome Pest Control1 ml/litre of water959
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceCarbofuranZfuran 5GHome Pest Control10.00 Kg/ha1558
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceCartapPolotap 50 SPHome Pest Control1.20 Kg/ha1622
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceChlorpyrifosWenphos 20 ECHome Pest Control1.00 Litre/ha766
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceFipronilLongent 3GRHome Pest Control10.00 Kg/ha682
HispaRiceCartapWendan 4GHome Pest Control13.50 Kg/ha687
AphidMustardMalathionWenthion 57 ECHome Pest Control1.00 ml/Litre of water955
TermiteTeaChlorpyrifosWenphos 20 ECHome Pest Control10.00 Litre/ha766
TermiteTeaChlorpyrifosWenchloro 15GHome Pest Control15.00 Kg/ha878
TermiteTeaChlorpyrifosSalute 48 ECHome Pest Control4.0 Litre/ha2627
AphidBrinjalFenvalerateWenfen 20 ECHome Pest Control0.5 ml/Litre of water741
CutwormPotatoChlorpyrifosWenphos 20 ECHome Pest Control7.50 Litre/ha766
NematodeTeaCarbofuranZfuran 5GHome Pest Control165 gm/M31558