Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
TikkaGroundnutPropiconazolePopi 25 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh0.5 ml/Litre of water1095
Early BlightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Diamond 68 WPIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh2 gm/Litre of water1381
Leaf BlightWheatPropiconazolePopi 25 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh0.5 ml/l of water1095
Leaf rot, Vine rot & blightBettle VineMancozeb (64%) + Metalaxyl (8%)Diamond 68 WPIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh2.5g/l of water1381
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)RiceMalathionQuiathion 57 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1.00 Litre/ha1036
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaCypermethrinChieftain 10 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh500 ml/ha1185
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaLambda CyhalothrinTiger 2.5 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh500 ml/ha1233
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaMalathionQuiathion 57 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh2.25 Litre/ha1036
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis)TeaQuinalphosHilux 25 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh2.00 Litre/ha1222
AphidBeanChlorpyrifosTerminal 48 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1 ml/Litre of water1211
AphidBeanCypermethrinChieftain 10 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1 ml/Litre of water1185
Yellow Stem Borer (YSB)RiceChlorpyrifosTerminal 48 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh500 ml/ha1211
TermiteTeaChlorpyrifosTerminal 48 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh4.00 Litre/ha1211
CutwormPotatoLambda CyhalothrinTiger 2.5 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1.50 ml/Litre of Water1233
Dicot WeedTeaParaquatWeedoxone 20 SLIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh2.80 Litre/ha1094
Halde MuthaRiceButachlorIchlor 5GIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh25.00 kg/ha937
Halde MuthaRicePretilachlorRAV 500 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1.00 Litre/ha930
Pani kachuRiceButachlorIchlor 5GIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh25.00 kg/ha937
Pani kachuRicePretilachlorRAV 500 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1.00 Litre/ha930
ChechraRiceButachlorIchlor 5GIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh25.00 kg/ha937