Pest Name | Crop Name | Group Name | Trade Name | Company Name | Dose | AP |
Early Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Maczeb 80 WP | Mahir Agro Care | 2 gm/l of water | 2486 |
Sheath Blight | Rice | Carbendazim | Mahizim 50 WP | Mahir Agro Care | 1 kg/ha | 2241 |
Sigatoka | Banana | Hexaconazole | Maczole 5 EC | Mahir Agro Care | 1 ml/Litre of water | 2780 |
Hopper | Mango | Lambda Cyhalothrin | Macthrin 2.5 EC | Mahir Agro Care | 1 ml/Litre of water | 2337 |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Chlorpyrifos | Mahifos 20 EC | Mahir Agro Care | 1.00 Litre/ha | 1977 |
Shoot & fruit borer | Brinjal | Emamectin Benzoate | Maczoate 5 SG | Mahir Agro Care | 1 ml/Litre of water | 2049 |