Pest Name | Crop Name | Group Name | Trade Name | Company Name | Dose | AP |
Red Spider mites & other mites | Tea | Propergite | Motive 57 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1l/ha | 1189 |
Red Spider mites & other mites | Tea | Sulphur | Readyvit 80 WDG | Mosco Marketing Company | 2.2 kg/ha | 1865 |
Red Spider mites & other mites | Tea | Abamectin | Divine 1.8 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 500 ml/ha | 2422 |
Red Spider mites & other mites | Tea | Carbosulfan | Radial 20 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1.50 Litre/ha | 1190 |
Powdery Mildew | Cucurbits | Sulphur | Readyvit 80 WDG | Mosco Marketing Company | 2 gm/l of water | 1865 |
Wilt | Tomato | Carbendazim | Massive 50 WP | Mosco Marketing Company | 2gm/l of water | 755 |
Early Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%) | Repil 72 WP | Mosco Marketing Company | 2 gm/Litre of water | 1380 |
Late blight | Potato | Mancozeb | Monozeb 80 WP | Mosco Marketing Company | 2 gm/Litre of water | 1689 |
Sigatoka | Banana | Hexaconazole | Megazole 5 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1 ml/Litre of water | 917 |
Hopper | Mango | Fenvalerate | Tiefen 20 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 0.5 ml/Litre of water | 724 |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Carbofuran | Furasafe 5G | Mosco Marketing Company | 10.00 Kg/ha | 154২ |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Chlorpyrifos | Marine 20 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1.00 Litre/ha | 680 |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Dimethoate | Sedate 40 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1.00 Litre/ha | 2988 |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Fipronil | Basis 50 SC | Mosco Marketing Company | 0.5 Litre/ha | 2661 |
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) | Rice | Imidacloprid | Feeder 20 SL | Mosco Marketing Company | 125 ml/ha | 2692 |
Bollworm (Spotted & American) | Cotton | Cypermethrin | Cyper 10 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 700 ml/ha | 723 |
Bollworm (Spotted & American) | Cotton | Fenvalerate | Tiefen 20 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 400 ml/ha | 724 |
Hispa | Rice | Chlorpyrifos | Beater 50 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 0.4 Litre/ha | 1979 |
Mosquito Bug (Helopeltis) | Tea | Quinalphos | Venture 25 EC | Mosco Marketing Company | 1.50 Litre/ha | 1096 |
Aphid | Bean | Acetamiprid | Rasim 20 SP | Mosco Marketing Company | 1 gm/Litre of water | 1274 |