Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Bicojoy 55 ECBismillah Corporation Limited2 ml/Litre of water1989
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Atom 55 ECANM Agro Limited1 ml/Litre of water2170
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Cydeor 505 ECAgrimax Bangladesh Limited1 ml/Litre of water2360
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Agent 505 ECA M Traders1 ml/Litre of water2361
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Sonali 505 ECBasic Agrovet1 ml/Litre of water2730
AphidBeanChlorpyrifos (50%) +Cypermathrin (5%)Solar 55 ECCorbel International Limited1 ml/Litre of water1768
AphidBeanCypermethrinRise 10 ECEon Agro Industries Limited1 ml/Litre of water630
AphidBeanCypermethrinCindi 10 ECNokon Limited1 ml/litre of water1040
AphidBeanCypermethrinChieftain 10 ECIntegrated Crop Care Bangladesh1 ml/Litre of water1185
AphidBeanCypermethrinSeamethrin 10 ECSealand Agro Industries Limited1 ml/Litre of water1320
AphidBeanCypermethrinNewthrin 10 ECNew Life Agro Chemicals1 ml/Litre of water1949
AphidBeanCypermethrinJacpot 10 ECSymbiosis Technology1 ml/Litre of water2388
AphidBeanCypermethrinBarricade 10 ECAshrafi Agro Science1 ml/Litre of water2389
AphidBeanCypermethrinHousethrin 10 ECF R Trade House1 ml/Litre of water2396
AphidBeanCypermethrinEurothrin 10 ECEuro Bangla Agriculture Limited1 ml/Litre of water2537
AphidBeanCypermethrin (5%) +Dimethoate (40%)Merger 45 ECA M Traders1 ml/Litre of water1279
AphidBeanDimethoateTafgor 40 ECAuto Crop Care Limited2 ml/Litre of water228
AphidBeanDimethoateDimexion 40 ECAgribusiness International1ml/litre of water572
AphidBeanDimethoateAmcothoate 40 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited1 ml/litre of water2060
AphidBeanDimethoateDynamic 40 ECSAM Agro Chemical1ml/litre of water658