Pest Name | Crop Name | Group Name | Trade Name | Company Name | Dose | AP |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Genuine 50 WP | SAM Agro Chemical | 2 gm/l of water | 531 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Trizim 50 WP | Amco Agricultural Industries | 2 gm/l of water | 1309 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Sinozim 50 WP | Aranya Crop Care Limited | 2 gm/l of water | 1347 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Towin 50 WP | Marshal Agrovet Chemical Industries Ltd | 2 gm/l of water | 1677 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Seaszim 50 WP | Sealand Agro Industries Limited | 1 gm/l of water | 2122 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Bencarb 50 WP | Agrivision Bangladesh | 2 gm/l of water | 2454 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Agrani 50 WP | M S Agro Chemicals Company Ltd | 2 gm/l of water | 2455 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Megadazim 50 WP | Marstrade International Culture (Pvt) Ltd | 2 gm/l of water | 2456 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Carbendazim | Nainzim 50 WP | Nafis Crop Care | 2 gm/l of water | 2457 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Copper hydroxide | Champion 77 WP | Petrochem (Bangladesh) Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 354 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Copper hydroxide | Parasol 77 WP | Eminence Chemical Industries Ltd | 2 gm/Litre of water | 1360 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Copper hydroxide | Jibal 77 WP | Intefa | 2 gm/Litre of water | 1876 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Difenoconazole (15%) + Propiconazole (15%) | Cropcep 300 EC | Mimpex Agrochemicals Limited | 0.5 ml/Litre of water | 2545 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Dimethomorph (9%) +Mancozeb (60%) | Acrobat MZ | BASF Bangladesh Limited | 2.00 Kg/ha | 353 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Fusilazole | Nustar 40 EC | Petrochem Agro Industries Ltd | 150 ml/ha | 1523 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Hexaconazole | Blezole 5 EC | Blessing Agrovet Industries Limited | 1 ml/l of water | 1361 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Hexaconazole | Konock 5 EC | Crop Protection & Care Centre | 1 ml/l of water | 1872 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Hexaconazole | Greenzole 5 EC | Green Bangla Agrovet Limited | 1 ml/l of water | 2499 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Iprodione | Iprosun 50 WP | Oroni International Limited | 2 gm/l of water | 1354 |
Anthracnose | Chilli | Iprodione | Sevral 50 WP | Atherton Imbros Company Limited | 2 gm/l of water | 1706 |