Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoateJoymec 5SGByco Agro Chemicals1 gm/Litre of water2931
Pod borerBeanEmamectin BenzoatePratasha 5WDGPratasha International1 gm/Litre of water2932
Fruit borerMangoProfenofos (40%) + Cypermthrin (2.5%)Shobicron 425 ECSyngenta Bangladesh Limited2 ml/Litre of water322
Pod borerLongyard beanZeta CypermethrinFury 5 ECFMC Chemical International AG1 ml/Litre of water1613
Shoot & fruit borerFruitFenitrothionSumithion 50 ECShetu Agro Industries Limited1.12 Litre/ha540
Shoot & fruit borerFruitFenitrothionFolithion 50 ECHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited1.12 Litre/ha32