Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Late blightPotatoMancozebI-Then M-45 80 WPBengal Agro Chemicals Industries2 gm/Litre of water1896
Late blightPotatoMancozebSukria 80 WPACE Farming Solutions2 gm/Litre of water1920
Late blightPotatoMancozebMagnate 80 WPRahman Pesticide & Chemicals Co.2 gm/Litre of water1922
Late blightPotatoMancozebSinewzeb 80 WPSafi Agro2 gm/Litre of water1923
Late blightPotatoMancozebSmartzeb 80 WPSmart Agrovet2 gm/Litre of water1925
Late blightPotatoMancozebNaczeb 80 WPNational AgriCare Import & Export Ltd2 gm/Litre of water1928
Late blightPotatoMancozebJazz 80 WPSyngenta Bangladesh Limited2 gm/Litre of water2001
Late blightPotatoMancozebRekazeb 80 WPT H Pesticides2 gm/Litre of water2140
Late blightPotatoMancozebNikizeb 80 WPAnika Enterprise2 gm/Litre of water2146
Late blightPotatoMancozebAncozen 80 WPA N Corporation2 gm/Litre of water2149
Late blightPotatoMancozebIprothane M-45A M Traders2 gm/Litre of water2150
Late blightPotatoMancozebMansis 80 WPSymbiosis Technology2 gm/Litre of water2151
Late blightPotatoMancozebShield 70 WDGHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2 gm/Litre of water2152
Late blightPotatoMancozebSecurity 80 WPCrop Life Agro Chemicals Ltd2 gm/Litre of water2153
Late blightPotatoMancozebAfizeb 80 WPSundarban Agro Products2 gm/Litre of water2154
Late blightPotatoMancozebMouzeb 80 WPMou International2 gm/Litre of water2155
Late blightPotatoMancozebFaulizeb 80 WPRajib Agro Chemicals Limited2 gm/Litre of water2156
Late blightPotatoMancozebKazizeb 80 WPS K Agrochemicals2 gm/Litre of water2157
Late blightPotatoMancozebGoldizem 80 WPGolden Agro Chemicals Ltd2 gm/Litre of water2158
Late blightPotatoMancozebBlezeb 80 WPBlessing Agrovet Industries Limited2 gm/Litre of water2159