Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Late blightPotatoMancozebDithane M 45Bayer CropScience Limited2 gm/Litre of water546
Late blightPotatoMancozebAgrizeb 80 WPSquare Pharmaceuticals Limited2 gm/Litre of water603
Late blightPotatoMancozebVondozeb 42 SCNaafco (Private) Limited2 gm/Litre of water608
Late blightPotatoMancozebHaymancozeb 80 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2 gm/Litre of water610
Late blightPotatoMancozebShinmazeb 80 WPPetrochem (Bangladesh) Limited2 gm/Litre of water615
Late blightPotatoMancozebMosum M 80 WPAxil Life Sciences Limited2 gm/Litre of water626
Late blightPotatoMancozebCorozeb 80 WPCorbel Chemical International Ltd.2 gm/Litre of water711
Late blightPotatoMancozebFlowin HTAuto Crop Care Limited2 gm/Litre of water712
Late blightPotatoMancozebDencozeb 80 WPReximco Insecticides Limited2 gm/Litre of water718
Late blightPotatoMancozebUthane 80 WPUnited Phosphorus (Bangladesh) Ltd2 gm/Litre of water785
Late blightPotatoMancozebManner M-45SAMP Limited2 gm/Litre of water786
Late blightPotatoMancozebMancovit 80 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2 gm/Litre of water787
Late blightPotatoMancozebBaizeb 80 WPBangladesh Agricultural Industries2 gm/Litre of water859
Late blightPotatoMancozebOnthane 80 WPOne Agro Concern2 gm/Litre of water965
Late blightPotatoMancozebKinmazeb 80 WPOmnichem Limited2 gm/Litre of water973
Late blightPotatoMancozebGoldzeb 80 WPAgrimax Bangladesh Limited2 gm/Litre of water975
Late blightPotatoMancozebMancothane 80 WPAgribusiness International2 gm/Litre of water1037
Late blightPotatoMancozebMeena 80 WPEast West Chemicals Limited2 gm/Litre of water1053
Late blightPotatoMancozebMedia 80 WPGlobal Agrovet Limited2 gm/Litre of water1054
Late blightPotatoMancozebBicozeb M-45 80 WPBismillah Corporation Limited2 gm/Litre of water1076