Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalFlubendiamideBelt 24 WGBayer CropScience Limited0.60 gm/Litre of water1486
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalGama CyhalothrinNexide 1.5 CSOroni International Limited1.50 ml/Litre of Water1298
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalProfenofos (40%) +Cypermthrin (2.5%)Shobicron 425 ECSyngenta Bangladesh Limited2 ml/Litre of water322
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalQuinalphosCorolux 25 ECCorbel International Limited840 ml/ha391
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalQuinalphosAmcolux 25 ECAtherton Imbros Company Limited3 ml/Litre of water656
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalSpinosadTracer 45 SCAuto Crop Care Limited0.4 ml/Litre of water1335
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalThiamethoxam (20%) + Chloraniliprole (20%)Voliam Flexi 300 SCSyngenta Bangladesh Limited0.50 ml/Litre of water1620
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalAlpha CypermethrinFastac 2ECBASF Bangladesh Limited500 ml/ha192
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalAlpha CypermethrinSico Alpha 2.5ECS S Vision Limited1 ml/ litre of water647
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalAzadirachtinNimbicidineACI Formulations Limited2 L/ ha373
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalDiazinonLaidan 60ECAsia Trade International1 ml/ litre of water646
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalFenvalerateFentox 20ECAuto Crop Care Limited0.5 ml/ litre of water314
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalFenvalerateAcmefen 20ECChemolimpex Agro Limited1 ml/ litre of water642
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalFenvalerateDevifen 20ECThe Limit Agroproducts Limited1 ml/ litre of water740
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalLamda CyhalothrinManza 2.5ECM H Crop Care1 ml/ litre of water2335
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalLamda CyhalothrinMabula 2.5ECMabco Bangladesh1 ml/ litre of water2741
Shoot & fruit borerBrinjalLamda CyhalothrinReeva 2.5 ECAuto Crop Care Limited0.5 ml/ litre of water520
Early Shoot BorerPotatoChlorpyrifosPyriban 15GACI Formulations Limited2.00 Kg ai516
Shoot & fruit borerFruitFenitrothionSumithion 50 ECShetu Agro Industries Limited1.12 Litre/ha540
Shoot & fruit borerFruitFenitrothionFolithion 50 ECHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited1.12 Litre/ha32