Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurShaheen 80 WPT H Pesticides2 gm/l of water1673
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurGreen Sulphur 90 WPGreen Harvest Limited2 gm/l of water1674
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurSulphin 80 WGMedicon Agrovet Limited2 gm/l of water1707
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurSurya 80 WDGSony Enterprise2 gm/l of water2078
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurMy Vit 80 WDGGreen Crop Care Limited2 gm/l of water2237
Powdery MildewMangoSulphurT. Far 80 WDGTajarat Agro Industries Limited2 gm/l of water2430
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleContaf 5 ECAuto Crop Care Limited2 ml/Litre of water460
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleHexa 5 ECACI Formulations Limited2 ml/Litre of water1676
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleShabab 5 ECIntefa2 ml/Litre of water1758
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleAmacon 5 ECAamagreen Agro limited2 ml/Litre of water1855
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleIndex 5 ECByco Agro Chemicals2 ml/Litre of water1856
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleHexagold 5 ECAsia Trade International1 ml/Litre of water1873
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleSeconazole 5 ECSealand Agro Industries Limited1 ml/Litre of water1874
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleNato 10 ECAgro Chem Agribusiness1 ml/Litre of water2618
Powdery MildewMangoHexaconazoleWinzole 10 ECA R Khan & Co.1 ml/Litre of water2782
Powdery MildewMangoMancozebIndofil M 45Auto Crop Care Limited2 gm/Litre of water272
Powdery MildewMangoMancozebPestcozeb 80 WPHome Pest Control2 gm/Litre of water861
Powdery MildewMangoMancozebMancoz 80 WPUnicrop Protection Limited2 gm/Litre of water1694
Powdery MildewMangoMancozeb (63%) +Carbendazim (12%)Sunoxanil 72 WPMcDonald Bangladesh (Pvt) Limited2 gm/Litre of water796
Powdery MildewMangoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Orion 72 WPMaitri Agro Industries2 gm/Litre of water863