Pest Name | Crop Name | Group Name | Trade Name | Company Name | Dose | AP |
Blast | Rice | Tebuconazole (50%) +Trifloxystrobin (25%) | Nativo 75 WP | Bayer CropScience Limited | 300 gm/ha | 1502 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | Trooper 75 WP | Auto Crop Care Limited | 400 gm/ha | 985 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | Zeal 75 WP | MAP Agro Industries Limited | 400 gm/ha | 1390 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | Difa 75 WP | Intefa | 400 gm/ha | 1878 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | Umoke 75 WP | Maitri Agro Industries | 400 gm/ha | 2772 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | Sainozole 75 WP | Siraj Agro International | 400 gm/ha | 2774 |
Blast | Rice | Tricyclazole | L.Cyclazole 75 WP | The Limit Agroproducts Limited | 400 gm/ha | 3151 |
Branch canker | Tea | Azoxystobin (20%) + Difenoconazole (12.5%) | Amistar Top | Syngenta Bangladesh Limited | 750ml/ha | 2312 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Benalaxyl (8%)+ Mancozeb (64%) | Galben M | ACI Formulations Limited | 0.2% formulated | 374 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Copper hydroxide | Champion 77 WP | Petrochem (Bangladesh) Limited | 2 gm/l of water | 354 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Copper hydroxide | Win 77 WP | Alpha Agro Limited | 2 gm/l of water | 1119 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Copper oxychloride | Topgun 50 DF | Global Agrochemicals Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 974 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Copper oxychloride | Pipertox 50 WP | Agribusiness International | 4 gm/Litre of water | 1057 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Copper oxychloride | Baicoper 50 WP | Bangladesh Agricultural Industries | 2 gm/Litre of water | 1842 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Dimethomorph (9%) +Mancozeb (60%) | Acrobat MZ | BASF Bangladesh Limited | 2.00 Kg/ha | 353 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Razland 80 WP | ACI Formulations Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 351 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Suncozeb 80 WP | Shetu Corporation Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 352 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Cozeb 80 WP | Alpha Agro Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 448 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Onthane 80 WP | One Agro Concern | 2 gm/Litre of water | 965 |
Late Blight | Tomato | Mancozeb | Saver 80 WP | MAP Agro Industries Limited | 2 gm/Litre of water | 970 |