Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
AnthracnoseChilliDimethomorph (9%) +Mancozeb (60%)Acrobat MZBASF Bangladesh Limited2.00 Kg/ha353
AnthracnoseChilliFusilazoleNustar 40 ECPetrochem Agro Industries Ltd150 ml/ha1523
AnthracnoseChilliHexaconazoleBlezole 5 ECBlessing Agrovet Industries Limited1 ml/l of water1361
AnthracnoseChilliHexaconazoleKonock 5 ECCrop Protection & Care Centre1 ml/l of water1872
AnthracnoseChilliHexaconazoleGreenzole 5 ECGreen Bangla Agrovet Limited1 ml/l of water2499
AnthracnoseChilliIprodioneIprosun 50 WPOroni International Limited2 gm/l of water1354
AnthracnoseChilliIprodioneSevral 50 WPAtherton Imbros Company Limited2 gm/l of water1706
AnthracnoseChilliIprodioneIpron 50 WPLorota International2gm/l of water1880
AnthracnoseChilliKasugamycinKasumin 2% LiquidShetu Corporation Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water1357
AnthracnoseChilliMancozebO-Zeb 80 WPGreen Bangla Agrovet Limited2 gm/Litre of water2489
AnthracnoseChilliMancozeb (63%) +Carbendazim (12%)CompanionAuto Crop Care Limited1 gm/litre of water664
AnthracnoseChilliMancozeb (63%) +Carbendazim (12%)Hunchart 75 WPSymbiosis Technology2 gm/litre of water2527
AnthracnoseChilliMetalaxylMatawin 35 WPAgrimax Bangladesh Limited2 gm/litre of water2536
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleTilt 250 ECSyngenta Bangladesh Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water172
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleProud 25 ECACI Formulations Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water609
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleCP-Zole 25 ECCPC Trading0.5 ml/Litre of water1351
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleBicopizole 250 ECBismillah Corporation Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water1353
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleAvance 25 ECPetrochem Agro Industries Ltd0.5 ml/Litre of water1358
AnthracnoseChilliPropiconazoleLily Conazole 25 ECLily Agro Products0.5 ml/Litre of water1499
Seedling rotTomatoCarbendazimNayan 50 WPAnika Enterprise1 gm/kg of seed720