Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Purple BlotchOnionIprodione (35%) +Carbendazim (17.5%)Iprozim 26 WPOroni International Limited2 gm/litre of water1355
Purple BlotchOnionMancozebHaymancozeb 80 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2gm/l of water610
Purple BlotchOnionMancozebMancovit 80 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2gm/l of water787
Purple BlotchOnionMancozebAgrithane 80 WPAgribusiness International2gm/l of water1386
Purple BlotchOnionMancozebEncozeb 80 WPPioneer Agro International2gm/l of water2142
Purple BlotchOnionMancozeb (63%) +Carbendazim (12%)Mancarb 72 WPEast West Crop Science Limited2gm/l of water2166
Purple BlotchOnionMancozeb (64%) +Cymoxanil (8%)Sunoxanil 72 WPMcDonald Bangladesh (Pvt) Limited2gm/l of water796
Purple BlotchOnionMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Haymaxyl MZ 72 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited2.00 Kg/ha611
Purple BlotchOnionMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Freshmil 72 WPAgro Systems Limited2gm/l of water2139
Purple BlotchOnionPropiconazoleAnti-Sika 250 ECNational AgriCare Import & Export Ltd0.5 ml/Litre of water709
Purple BlotchOnionPropiconazoleAmazole 25 ECAama Green Care0.5 ml/Litre of water1497
Purple BlotchOnionPropinebAntracol 70 WPBayer CropScience Limited1.00 Kg/ha487
Purple BlotchOnionTebuconazoleFolicur EW 250Bayer CropScience Limited2 gm/l of water524
Purple BlotchOnionTebuconazole (50%) +Trifloxystrobin (25%)Nativo 75 WPBayer CropScience Limited200 gm/ha1502
Late BlightWheatCarbendazimPearl 50 DFMAP Agro Industries Limited2 gm/l of water980
Late BlightWheatPropiconazoleBicopizole 250 ECBismillah Corporation Limited0.5 ml/l of water1353
Leaf rustWheatCarbendazimMine 50 WPS I Agro International2 gm/l of water1377
Leaf rustWheatCarbendazimCuptun 50 WPAlpha Agro Limited1 gm/l of water1383
Leaf rustWheatPropiconazoleTilt 250 ECSyngenta Bangladesh Limited560 ml/ha172
Leaf rustWheatPropiconazoleCorozole 250 ECCorbel Chemical Industries Ltd1 ml/l of water600