Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
RustGroundnutPropiconazoleTall 25 ECMamun Agro Products Limited0.5 ml/Litre of water1501
Early BlightPotatoCopper oxychlorideTopgun 50 DFGlobal Agrochemicals Limited2 gm/l of water974
Early BlightPotatoDimethomorph (9%) +Mancozeb (60%))Acrobat MZBASF Bangladesh Limited2.00 Kg/ha353
Early BlightPotatoMancozebNemispore 80 WPACI Formulations Limited2.50 Kg/1000Lt water166
Early BlightPotatoMancozebRazland 80 WPACI Formulations Limited2 gm/Litre of water351
Early BlightPotatoMancozebSuncozeb 80 WPShetu Corporation Limited2 gm/Litre of water352
Early BlightPotatoMancozebDithane M 45Bayer CropScience Limited2 gm/Litre of water545
Early BlightPotatoMancozebOnthane 80 WPOne Agro Concern2 gm/Litre of water965
Early BlightPotatoMancozebKinmazeb 80 WPOmnichem Limited2 gm/Litre of water973
Early BlightPotatoMancozebGoldzeb 80 WPAgrimax Bangladesh Limited2 gm/Litre of water975
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Mexzil 72 WPEon Agro Industries Limited2 gm/litre of water803
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Seemland 68 WPShetu Pesticides Limited2 gm/litre of water968
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Antiblight MZ 72 WPNational AgriCare Import & Export Ltd2 gm/litre of water969
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Metamil Special 72 WPAranya Crop Care Limited2 gm/litre of water971
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Metalman 72 WPMAP Agro Industries Limited2 gm/litre of water972
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Monarch 72 WPMB Agro Products Limited2 gm/litre of water976
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Ipromil 72 WPA M Traders2 gm/litre of water977
Early BlightPotatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Ashameal 72 WPMimpex Agrochemicals Limited2 gm/litre of water1030
Leaf spotSeasameCopper oxychlorideSunvit 50 WPMcDonald Bangladesh (Pvt) Limited3.40 Kg/ha527
Leaf Spotoil cropsCopper oxychlorideSulcox 50 WPHaychem (Bangladesh) Limited3.40 Kg/ha528