Pesticide Search (Bangla / English)

Pest NameCrop NameGroup NameTrade NameCompany NameDoseAP
Powdery MildewGroundnutMancozebMancothane 80 WPAgribusiness International2 gm/l of water1037
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebE-Zeb 80 WPEon Agro Industries Limited2 gm/l of water1500
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebY-thene M 45Marshal Agrovet Chemical Industries Ltd2 gm/l of water1626
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebPercozeb 80 WPPerfect Agro Care2 gm/l of water1690
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebRexizeb 80 WPReximco Insecticides Limited2 gm/l of water1697
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebOppose 80 WPAgro Continent Bangladesh2 gm/l of water1698
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozebGreenzeb 80 WPGreen Harvest Limited2 gm/l of water1704
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Baimyl 72 WPBangladesh Agricultural Industries2 gm/l of water790
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Amagold 72 WPAama Green Care2 gm/l of water1682
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Ecomyl 72 WPAmco Agricultural Industries2 gm/l of water1595
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Standard Gold 72 WPStandard Yes Company2 gm/l of water1699
Alternaria blightTomatoMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Mixol 72 WPMedicon Agrovet Limited2 gm/l of water1705
AnthracnoseBeanMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Mexzil 72 WPEon Agro Industries Limited2 gm/litre of water803
AnthracnoseBeanPropiconazoleEssy 250 ECAlpha Agro Limited2 ml litre of water625
AnthracnoseBeanPropiconazoleCP-Zole 25 ECCPC Trading0.5 ml/l of water1351
AnthracnoseBeanPropiconazoleBicopizole 250 ECBismillah Corporation Limited0.5 ml/l of water1353
Downy MildewCucurbitsMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Putamil 72 WPPrime Agro Limited2 gm/litre of water1350
Downy MildewCucurbitsMancozeb (50%) +Phenamidone (10%)Secure 600 WGBayer CropScience Limited2 gm/litre of water628
Seedling blightCottonMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Metazyl 72 WPRaven Agro Chemicals Limited2 gm/l of water1932
AnthracnoseCottonMancozeb (64%) +Metalaxyl (8%)Metazyl 72 WPRaven Agro Chemicals Limited2 gm/l of water1932